Identify 10 times faster what support each student needs using our surveys and sociograms. Get AI based tools to work with each student, their families and teachers.
Complete the design, implementation, and analysis process for each student 10 times faster
Reports at network, school, class level, and detailed information for each student.
Identify students who need support early. Move from reactive to preventive focus.
Pulso Escolar has no usage limits or fixed dates. Apply any instrument whenever you want.
You can select what to measure from our extensive battery of high-quality surveys and also upload your own surveys.
Schedule meetings with our team whenever you need help to resolve questions.
Select the module or modules that have the most impact on your school. Pulso Escolar features surveys, sociograms, and a class mixer.
Pulso Escolar's sociograms have transformed our student support system. It saves them tremendous time with instant sociogram generation and provides a clear view of the class. Now they can quickly identify students who need help and implement targeted interventions. The user-friendly interface and organized data have improved their collaboration with psychologists and decision-making processes.
Try Free SociogramPulso Escolar allowed them to go beyond measurement, providing data to improve and prioritize needs. With the external reference, they can better prioritize their needs. The platform gives them systematic information for their school climate improvement plan.
Request Meeting with ExecutiveTry our sociogram for one of your school's classes
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